Welcome to Kingsley Avenue church of Christ
We believe a deep relationship with God is the key to a better life.

At Kingsley Avenue, we show our love for God through caring and compassionate service to others. This loving spirit in the church builds an atmosphere of care and concern to everyone who comes through our doors. 

We Keep Worship Simple

The next few sections highlight what we believe and what you can expect during our worship services. These beliefs drive everything we do as we work to deepen our relationship with God.

The most beautiful sounds come from our hearts.

We believe God loves nothing more than hearing us praise Him for everything He's done for us. That's why we sing our praises to Him without instruments present. 

Want to learn more about why we belive that? Check out Ephesians 5:19 or Colossians 3:16

Prayer connects us.

We believe there is power in prayer which is why it is a key part of any worship service. The men in our congregation lead us in prayer; expressing our gratitude towards Him and seeking His forgiveness.

Want to learn more about why we belive that? Check out James 5:16-18 or 1 Timothy 2:8

A time for growing our understanding of who God is.

We believe there is nothing more important than your relationship with God which is why we focus our time on learning who God is directly from His Word.

Want to learn more about why we believe that? Check out Acts 20:7 and Colossians 4:16.

The Lord's Supper
A time for centering ourselves.

Every week, we partake in the Lord's Supper (bread and grape juice) to remind ourselves and focus on the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. It's a quiet time of reflection and gratitude.

Want to learn more about why we believe that? Check out 1 Corinthians 11:23-24.

A time for giving back.

Every week, we give each Christian the opportunity to give back to the Lord a portion of what He has blessed us with. 

Want to learn more about why we believe that? Check out 1 Corinthians 16:1-2.

Plan Your Visit
A small step to help you discover who you are and what a real relationship with God will do for your future.

Just click the button either at the top of the page or in the bottom left corner that says "Plan Your Visit". Answer the questions and you'll be all set! We can't wait to meet you!